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This is a reply to CannonFodder. I'm sorry that I selected the wrong tag...

You are correct, about SOME things.
Funny Animals were one of the mainstreams of comic books, and very popular before the Superhero Explosion. A very important genre you skipped, however, was the rise of the underground comic scene in the 1960s. Characters like Fritz the Cat used funny animals to slam very human foibles, and their content included a lot of drug use and sex. Reed Waller's creation, Omaha the Cat Dancer was inspired by and a part of the redefined Small Press comics that became the Black and White Boom/Bust, with titles like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Usagi Yojimbo surviving and thriving.
You also missed the point that Funnay Animal cartoonists were a tightly closed group. Loose organizations like Amateur Publishing Associations (APAS), Vootie and Rowerbrazzle were for artists and comic historians ONLY. You could not be a part of the group if you were a "just a fan"
One of the important things about Furry fandom is that fans, costumers, writers, Everybody, is welcome! There will always be the private creators clubs, for the self-styled "elite", but the problem with exclusive clubs is so many of us can't join...
You also mentioned ConFurence... being "out of control". What do you mean by that? What is your source? Are you perpetuating the troll-created fabrications of the ancient past? If you are planning to be writing articles that are accurate, you should check your sources. Even people who are important voices for the fandom can get it wrong, if it supports their purposes.

Mark Merlino

American Pine Marten


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