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Oh, I never said there wasn't any "furry fetish." Of course it's fetishistic; so's anime. And you know what, the fetishistic aspects of anime are what really make it "pop," as it were. So do the fetishistic aspects of furry. It is an important ingredient, but flour isn't a cake, though perhaps I'm just trying to have my cake, and eat it too.

But for a person arguing the sex thing while drinking hard liquor, you're delightfully innocent, aren't you?

The REALLY ironic thing is, the thing that brings most furs into the fandom that I've discovered, be it Lion King, or Disney, or Shirt Tales, or Sonic, or Animalympics, or Robin Hood, etc... really didn't have any sex in the canon. That's weird :)

And innocense is what it's all about; the seduction of the innocent, to appropriate a line from Dr. Wertham for my own twisted ends. These characters are "innocent," just like a Catholic schoolgirl is "innocent."

And nobody fetishizes Catholic schoolgirls outfits, after all.

Other people will tell you it's about "comfort"; furries are afraid of, or otherwise made uncomfortable by, sex, and the sexual apparatus of human bodies, so they turn to "comforting" images of cuddly cute things. This is pure Freud, and, unless otherwise noted, Freud is wrong.

No, it's about ... innocense. And that perverse desire to ... spoil it. It's why virgins look so good on paper. Because they are pure, and pure only means innocent, and innocent only means ... spoilable. Because to spoil something is to have power over it. So, that's what it all comes down to, really.

And there you have it. Even the sex things are really about something else.


No. Furry isn't about sex.


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