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I don't know about this..
Since ratings are often based on biased feelings most of the time, ignoring the important kind of useful information, especially the ones promoting open and good feelings to avoid hatred, I don't think certain comments should be hidden. But noticing, I think it may be an option at least.
I was one of those who got (kind of I think) hidden for trying to help a better environment somewhere (Suggesting negativity to be less so people who read the comments or articles won't feel bad or offended and other things.). It was some A&O "article". It may have not just been that one too I think. I also seen more positive comments (I think) rated down.

I also seen very negative selfish comments on this site that has been rated like 4-5 starts, badly talking about other people's thoughts, like for example, one talking about other interests "not" (or "lower") counting and thinking it's a problem but not there own, and worse using the similar thoughts as a tool in front of everyone. That example was also in that same area, but I seen other negatives in other places too.

So are all "low" rating comments trolls? Not all the time. Maybe I could suggest another way to hide the comments maybe? Ratings are often biased (people who may agree with the lower ones may not see it), badly but not all the time and I think it's very important to never take "star-ratings" seriously as a tool especially since people can probably be effected by the possible negative biased of it.


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