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I wouldn't make art over something like that, and seriously, I don't see it's intent on trying to get the message across to those who are Catholic's. In fact the symbolism of these piece shows it was made by someone who's completely dense in the ways of religious symbolism and thus his message wouldn't convey what he thinks it meant.

The cross is not a symbol for the Catholic Church, or any church, it's the symbol of Jesus. So in effect when a religious person looks at the piece of art and is told the Ants symbolize AIDS then they are going to think you're trying to link Jesus with AIDS somehow, as if he had it or is causing it, not the Catholic Church.

If they wanted to aim at the Catholic Church, they should have sculpted a pope hat.

But really (and what I meant by that last line) is putting down others through interpretation of artistic works is what that particular church does and has done in its history, why would you do as they do? How does that make one any better then they?


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