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"Concerning the user currently below this post, why would the act being portrayed in artwork cause people's (or at least child rapists) to not act in the same manner with which the medium is a real child's picture?"

I can see how someone who rapes children might also like cub porn, but looking at cub porn doesn't make someone a child rapist or molester.

Sometimes people like something in art or role-play that they'd never do in real life. I absolutely love hentai depicting tentacle rape and insects laying eggs, for example. You don't see me going out and sticking a tentacle up my girl bits or trying to get cockroaches to lay eggs inside me, though. Nor would I like or want those things in reality. I have a feeling it may be the same for some people who look at and draw cub porn.

"To me cub porn is about as threatening as age play. Is it disturbing? Probably. Is it pervy? Sure. Should cops be busting down peoples' doors because they're pretending to be underage individuals having sex? Definitely not."

This brings up another good point. A lot of people like ageplay. I've spoken with some people who engage in BDSM role-play as child and parent, and for them, mentally regressing to the age of a child in role-play is relaxing, or perhaps fills the need for a parent that they never got as a child. Since furries draw a lot of artwork of their own characters, some of the "cub porn" is probably people depicting themselves in the form of their fursona. This is yet another way in which cub porn viewer wouldn't necessarily equal sex crime offender. It may be a depiction of they themselves, as they view themselves, performing a sexual act. Freud could no doubt have a field day with those types of people, but I particularly don't see anything wrong with cub porn in that kind of context.

"If the folks at FA think they'll be able to better support their website and those who use it by getting rid of cub porn, then more power to 'em. I'm a little disappointed, but how exactly would they be able to stand up for philosophic niceties like free speech if FA itself is being deprived of the funds it needs just to exist?

Yeah, can't blame FA. They've gotta look at how they can stay in business. It's just that the subject matter inevitably led to a discussion on why cub porn should or shouldn't be banned.


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