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"That's the point I didn't make; cub porn is not a "legal" (or sinful) issue. It is entirely moral. Due to the nature of the immorality (i.e. consent issues), however, I feel it is a bad, well, moral P.R. move for furries especially. The issue of "cartoon pedophilia," it should be noted, is not unique to furry fandom. Basically, this is an opportunity for the fandom to, you know, not be the pervs for once."

I can agree that cub porn does depict the semblance of an act that is widely considered to be immoral and illegal. As such, even though it is not the same as actual child porn, I also agree that it does make furries look bad. My original argument was merely that cub porn isn't the same thing as actual child porn, nor is it as bad, since no real child is hurt by it. I'd much rather someone get their jollies jerking off to cub porn. Actual child porn does lead to exploitation and abuse of actual living children. Interest in it fuels that reprehensible industry. That's far worse to me than someone depicting the act in artwork. To be the devil's advocate, I suppose seeing it in artwork could potentially lessen the shock value of child porn and normalize the association of sex and children. That is the main way in which I could see cub porn as being harmful.


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