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So once all of the cub art is removed (20 days from now), will AlertPay allow FA access to it's funds/take FA back?

Here is an excerpt from AlertPay's User Agreement:

6.2. Activities Not Allowed
The following list outlines activities AlertPay members are not permitted to do through the Service:

* The sale, solicitation, offering, exchange or service of the following:
o Pre-adult content, such as pictures, videos, etc..., of individuals under the age of 18.
If you are found in violation of this User Agreement and all terms herein, we reserve the right to fine you a penalty of $500 and upwards, depending on damages and the severity of the violation and the liability you cause to AlertPay and our professional partners. Sites that sell banned products or services are subject to immediate account termination. We also reserve the right to freeze or forfeit funds, as well as fine the account holder and/or cancel payment without notice.

This seems to be a pretty rock-solid user agreement, mainly the part about account termination. But the reference to 'pre-adult content' is so broad, it could refer to even non-mature art. Interestingly, it only labels accounts for immediate termination as those which "sell banned products", which couldn't be happening, unless they count sellers posting links to furbuy sites, or there is a mature-cub ad floating around the site that I haven't seen


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