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Be calm,the artists and deviants of this world have always been prosecuted; such is life as usual.

The politicians will continue to use the easily led mob to do it's dirty work, whatever that may be, don't be a silly sausage to think that shooting off your opinions wont get you in trouble if you're standing in front of the playground bully; sometimes if you feel strongly enough about it, you may have to take the beating but at least still stand true to your beliefs.

From jfk to lennon,love and be your work, but be aware of the consiquences (notice the lovely spelling mistake)and be careful.

Losing your Intellectual property is still that,your thoughts are still your own.

Remember to remain centered. This is a place of clarity of thought, peace and truth, it cannot as such be broken and accessed by those who choose to destroy. This panic state is what those in power want to use to control you, so throw that state of mind away like a smelly old coat; and breathe clear again.

Basically, intellectual freedom is something many of us strive and hope for, and one day it will come, but it may be a fair while and a lot of very clever tacticians before society as a whole can understand that kind of true freedom without it scaring them.

Love and peace. x x without the deviants this world would be nothing, take pride in your beautiful difference. Oranges are not the only fruit.x x


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