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How effective can this law be? How can you legally determine the age of a fictional character based solely on appearance? The sitcom "Mork and Mindy" where Mork's people look like seniors when they are born and age looking like babies. What about Benjamin Button where he is depicted as a teenager having sex with his senior girlfriend. The Roger Rabbit baby, ya know the one who fondles women and smokes a cigar, how old is that character? What about the child like looking alien in Star Trek. How about in Atlantis where you can live thousands of years before you become an adult. Fictional characters are just that "fiction" It would have to be a blatant depiction of a human minor involved in a sexual situation and a character that his or her age is known by other spoken or written fiction.

I could say that anyone who owns my art about my characters can be guilty of owning art of minors in sexual situation since the genesis of my characters age at the same rate as their animal counterparts and none have yet aged over 9 let alone 18.

My statement of this gives evidence to your guilt. Take em' away!

So if you got Renamon in a sexual situations with Riku who is a minor based on the show maybe... unless Riku suffers from dwarfism in your drawing.

Can you see how asinine this argument can get?

Even as I am writing this I get ill from the very idea of prohibiting art.


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