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Whiskers89, yes, there is a sexual aspect to a lot of people in the fandom, but not to most. Also, I'd like to point out that you're talking about bestiality, a pretty gross thing - different to what furries see. To those who enjoy the yiff element (which I can't see anything morally wrong with), it's nothing to do with animals and sex - it's about being comfortable AS an animal, and sex. I know, it's confusing, it confuses me sometimes, but it's all about the whole "doing things you can't do normally" thing. Nothing about finding a fox in real life and unzipping your pants.

And when I say "bestiality, a gross thing - different to what furries see", I mean that bestiality is different to what furries do, NOT "furries find bestiality isn't gross", which is a lie. Just like to point that out.


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