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While it is possible that not all hotels have that much in brainpower running them, and if such is the case it's good they found out NOW then during the convention, someone who runs a con told me someone has to be present in order to do it, but as I said not all hotels are like those they worked with obviously.

However, there is one case I can where you wouldn't need to, and that is if the hotel decides to back out for some reason. That is, it is possible that a /b/tard contacted the hotel (like what happened with FoxMas) and the hotel backed out because they got freaked out.

It is possible the hotel used the excuse that someone 'claiming to be the runner' called and canceled, because that would be better then telling your customer. 'We think you people are freaks and we don't want you here'.

That is just a theory. Personally I would hope I'm wrong on it.


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