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I'm not the one who brings it up. I'm not the one publishing cub porn and I'm sure as heck not the one drawing it. I'm not even the one who brought it up in this discussion; go back to the beginning of the threads and see for yourself. I just don't avoid it or pretend that it's something even mildly harmless or acceptable when it does come up.

No, you're just the one who always trots out a steady stream of monumentally flawed arguments with the intended conclusion that pencil scrawlings of fictional characters are morally equivalent to raping children. If you're really not obsessed with cub porn, you could always ignore the debate. Since you're not a cub porn artist, it doesn't affect you in the slightest.

We, on the other hand, have to respond, and point out the logical fallacies you make time and time again, because, regardless of how many people actually read through the comments, this IS a public forum, and leaving your spurious arguments unopposed is, in the eyes of much of the public, tantamount to agreeing that they're true.

Is that right? No. Is that logically valid? No. But it is how many people think, and it is why we MUST oppose you, in order to defend ourselves from libelous portrayals of us as child molesters. YOU have no such investment here, since you yourself, as a non-cub artist, have nothing to fear from equating cub porn with child rape. Therefore, it's up to YOU to ignore these discussions and keep out of our lives.

Smile! The world could use another happy person.


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