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"While not all furs are fans of cartoon depictions of underage characters, most don't feel the issue worthy of continual debate, and are understandably annoyed when you hold forth on it in every other post."

I doubt most furs are even aware of any debate here, considering how fractured the fandom is these days; it's not like the days of when there was only one or two pipelines of news and data, and everybody knew what was going on.

And I wouldn't need to hold forth on every post if there wasn't reciprocation with something further to correct or address. It's not like I'm alone in the conversation.

"For someone worried about public association of the fandom with such material, you're awfully keen on bringing it up. Indeed, you're getting a reputation as "that guy with an ax to grind about cub porn" — and I doubt you want this topic coming to mind when your name is mentioned."

I'm not the one who brings it up. I'm not the one publishing cub porn and I'm sure as heck not the one drawing it. I'm not even the one who brought it up in this discussion; go back to the beginning of the threads and see for yourself. I just don't avoid it or pretend that it's something even mildly harmless or acceptable when it does come up.

I don't particularly have 'an axe to grind about cub porn', but if people want to think so, I'm okay with it. Why should I mind if people think I'm against cub porn? Throw in bestiality while you're at it; I'm against that as well.


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