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Look, don't be blaming me. I'm not the one who brought up this sub-thread and topic, and I wasn't the one who began it with a position in opposition to yours. I would have been just as happy had the topic never arose. But when it comes up, I'm not about to stand aside and not speak my mind. I entered with a challenge to an assumption and it steamrolled from there, and I'm not the only one who was giving as much as he was getting or who had a position to voice.

Hot button topics exist and have been on this board before, in both this and the previous incarnation, and go back to the days of heated discussions in the heyday of If you don't want these discussions, don't bring up the topics (and good luck with that, by the way), or else accept the heavy hand of moderation. But Flayrah fails if it does not allow for disagreement and argument; it would then just be a 'happy chatterbox' that would serve as a rubber stamp of approval for one side.


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