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But all posts aren't the problem, just some. I can vote them down, but what does that get me? I can't choose to view things by points, and even if I could, we likely don't have more than four or five people voting per.

Even if that all were okay, Chuck comes in as Visitor, which means any voting on his comments won't stick to his account, so even if I did have the ability to ignore his account, he'd just post his 300+ comments on how cub is evil and furry is full of pedos as that visitor account. Thus, he'd walk around the edge.

Here's what I'd recommend:

Per user ignore.
Guest ignore.

I think both of those would solve the problem that most people here have with Chuck. It wouldn't , however, solve the problem of getting new users in that would think this is a welcome place.. because honestly, for most people, I'd imagine it's quite a threatening place.


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