What would you have me do? It takes two to tango. If you disapprove of a line of conversation, the solution is to vote all posts within it down, just as you might vote Offtopic or Redundant on Slashdot. Unfortunately, a mature Slashdot-style moderation system isn't available for Drupal, although there have been attempts to create one.
As for email, you can turn off subscriptions per-story if you feel the comments are no longer worth following.
There's more I can do to make comment ratings matter, and I intend to, but my time is currently in very short supply.
What would you have me do? It takes two to tango. If you disapprove of a line of conversation, the solution is to vote all posts within it down, just as you might vote Offtopic or Redundant on Slashdot. Unfortunately, a mature Slashdot-style moderation system isn't available for Drupal, although there have been attempts to create one.
As for email, you can turn off subscriptions per-story if you feel the comments are no longer worth following.
There's more I can do to make comment ratings matter, and I intend to, but my time is currently in very short supply.