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You're going to have to go to some length to prove that the material at that link actually had a plot to it.

Actually reading it sufficed for me--obviously a length you weren't willing to go to.

...not to mention badly written.

Say that to Alex's face. I dare you.

I mean, what's supposed to be the larger overall theme or philosophy here other than a pornographic one?

Further proof you didn't read it. The theme is broadening one's horizons, in being willing to accept new experiences rather than shutting oneself away in routine and boredom for fear of experiencing a little discomfort. The philosophy could best be described by cribbing from Bill and Ted: "Be excellent to one another, and party on."

Child pornography isn't wrong simply because children are abused (God knows that's reason enough) but because it also promotes, defends and attempts to justify that abuse. Even through fiction.

Again, I dare you to say to Alex Reynard's face that he is promoting and defending child abuse. Before you do that, however, I recommend you read another of his novels: "Dangerous Lunatics". Pay special attention to the part where the only actual child molester in the story gets punched to death by a six-year-old girl.

Smile! The world could use another happy person.


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