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"Once again the quote you provide is not talking about fictional pornography but actual child pornography. Once again you keep trying to connect the two as if they are equivalent when at no point other then the laws in some particular areas are they seen as equivalent and have provided no sociological evidence or quote to prove that they are equivalent."

And as I said, the difference between actual and fictional child pornography is, for all intents and purposes, nonexistent. The former is more vile because of the use of actual children, but both serve the same purpose and feed the same obsessive need.

"In no way did the quote say the children were fictional children."

In no way did the quote say they were not, either. I agree that it's more likely that the study mentioned did, in fact, involve photos and videos, but if you're going to hang on the exact letter of the quote, then please note that it does not specifically state so and for all we know there very well might have been fictional content (drawings, photo-manipulations, etc) in there as well.


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