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Once again the quote you provide is not talking about fictional pornography but actual child pornography. Once again you keep trying to connect the two as if they are equivalent when at no point other then the laws in some particular areas are they seen as equivalent and have provided no sociological evidence or quote to prove that they are equivalent. It's ironic that you quote me claiming they are two different things and then make a quote which says they were looking at images of actual children, which once again emphasizes they are two different things being looked at. In no way did the quote say the children were fictional children.

You stated the last paragraph as your evidence, yet that is not from any of your studies, that is from you. I never stated the believe that looking at porn of any kind would in any way keep someone from doing something, the study I had didn't show the elimination of sexual crimes. To say creating or getting rid of anything would cause an absolute change in humanity to the point of crime elimination is probably the result of hallucinogenics.

However if the point of fiction is truly simply the extension of extending things that people actually want to do IRL into a temporary fantasy state. I'd say we best watch ourselves. With how many 'vorephiles' there are we certainly have a lot of Hannibal Lectors running around.


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