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Context is important, and since you felt the need to make a pointless jab at the president, I can't see this conversation going anywhere but in circles. You're going to defend your buddy till the last breath and I'm going to point out that there are thousands of pictures of the president in all sorts of different manners of inflection. Your buddy, however, only seems to have two pictures of himself anywhere on the internet with absolutely zero inflection or expression in both pictures. Albeit in front of the beautiful Alaskan landscape, though I hear you can't take a picture anywhere in Alaska without a beautiful backdrop.

Should IK ever reach the point where he believes either he is personally the law, or that the government should burn if it tries to pass laws he doesn't agree with. I will be the first to submit that he might be capable of such awful things, but until that day comes, it's just hyperbole.

Sad to say, we're all capable of horrific acts. Constantly (and belligerently--most notably in his blog) making a point to wield a visible firearm at all times just makes it a little bit easier.


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