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IK is hardly quiet, and this current action kind of proves that he's hardly keeping to himself either.

By the way, the VT guy, was a religious freak as well, IK is not.

If you're trying to say that some people who carry guns are freaks then you won't get a disagreement there. But to say all of them are is exactly like those people protesting the mosque because all the Muslims were responsible for 9/11.

You know who else has that somber look and holds it for a long time? Soldiers. I guess we should let the government know cause they're all libel to kill us all following the logic of this pseudo-psychology.

You're good with the circumstancial evidence I mean what this picture of Barack Obama? Seems rather stern about as similar to those two:

You're gonna say "It's not the same", its as much the same as IK and the VT dude's are, look at their chins, their noses, while IK's are relaxed, the VT dude's is scrunched with rage. Also the mannerisms in their dress style are vastly different. IK's is more pro-authority, while VT's is more anarchistic. Also, McVeigh became anarchistic before going off the deep end.

Should IK ever reach the point where he believes either he is personally the law, or that the government should burn if it tries to pass laws he doesn't agree with. I will be the first to submit that he might be capable of such awful things, but until that day comes, it's just hyperbole.


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