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So Ross is emulating McVeigh? You said McVeigh is a 4.0 student and was a military officer, is Ross? Since he's not he can't be emulating him because he's not emulating him by the definition of what emulation means.

Now you're just being pedantic.

Appearances matter always. It's how you want others to perceive you. I in no way drifted from this point.

Killers don't want to look like killers or else they wouldn't be successful. Hardasses want to look like hardasses to intimidate others.

If McVeigh didn't seem crazy or insane at first, then Ross can't be emulating him if you believe he seems crazy or insane. After all, you said they don't appear crazy before they reveal themselves as such, and therefore if you believe they are before they do go crazy you are contradicting yourself.

Basically what you saying is "McVeigh didn't give off crazy feelings before he went crazy, but Ross is giving off crazy feelings which is why he's like McVeigh..."

is =/= appears to be

Your argument makes no sense. It presupposes everyone to ever "go crazy" just snapped and didn't have a long-standing history of mental illness or social problems. Not every person to get hauled off to the funny farm thinks alike. Some will try to blend in with society so as to look as normal as possible while other simply do what they want and wear tissue boxes for shoes and togas made from shower curtains. How one appears to others reflects how they want others to perceive them.
This is not counter-intuitive nor is it that complex of an idea.

Not saying he's trying to follow in McVeigh's footsteps. That's not the point. All I'm saying is that there's a bit of a resemblance:


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