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Like to make a note that in an environment of expedience and primarily ruled by verbal communication only (i.e., the internet), appearances do matter. The pictures you take of yourself are who you want to be perceived as and user images are your first impression. Because you have no inflection or body language to supplement your communication, your appearance is your only form of non-verbal communication on forums, message boards and the like. You communicate far more about yourself by what you look like and wear than one might believe. It goes back to the joke about dressing like a prostitute. If you don't want to be treated like a whore, don't dress like one. That's why civilians don't go around dressed like police officers every day. You don't do that unless you want others to perceive you and treat you as if you are actually a cop.

Same goes for our friend Insane Kangaroo, and I can't be the only one who's getting a serious Tim McVeigh feeling from that picture. Names and words also matter. If you don't want to make people think you're mentally unstable, don't put the word "insane" in your username. It's just that easy.


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