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Well, when he goes around bragging about what he does, you're not really going to stop him. Besides, he's always been the type to look for a fight. He'll win them until one day, someone else will beat him, and then I imagine there will be guns involved. *shrugs*

You can't stop someone like that who is so intent on destroying other people that they don't notice what it's doing to them. You can only be there for them if they'll have you.

A fair warning , though. When people like IK finally meet their "end", be it life or just a fandom, it tends to be messy. I hope you're clear enough when that happens.

This is not a threat, personally, I stay far away from IK because I don't want any blowback to hit me. I intend to keep that distance forever. I just think that we should be fair. Arc said it was him, he's said it was him, others have said it was him. It's being dishonest to blame Dragoneer for something that he may have been involved in but was not the key player.


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