" AND another humans are a type of animal and have human quality's... wait! isn't that the definition of anthropomorphic? If that's so then isn't humans anthro? <-mind blown!"
1) I think everyone 'blows their own mind' because I think everyone egotistically likes the way they think of things over everyone else
2) Humans are not anthropomorphic because the definition of anthropomorphic contains that the human qualities have to be attributed to a non-human entity, and I've looked at pretty much every dictionary I can if you have another one that claims otherwise I'd like to see the link.
" AND another humans are a type of animal and have human quality's... wait! isn't that the definition of anthropomorphic? If that's so then isn't humans anthro? <-mind blown!"
1) I think everyone 'blows their own mind' because I think everyone egotistically likes the way they think of things over everyone else
2) Humans are not anthropomorphic because the definition of anthropomorphic contains that the human qualities have to be attributed to a non-human entity, and I've looked at pretty much every dictionary I can if you have another one that claims otherwise I'd like to see the link.