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What happened here?

Step 1) Someone posts a picture of E621's mascot on FurAffinity, owner of E621 confronts Dragoneer with a DMCA. Because of this threat Dragoneer threatened to ban him if he filed without working with him first (in private email).

Step 2) Arc goes "*Gasp* Dragoneer just threatened to b& me from furaffinity in a journal on furaffinity, in response Dragoneer posts the emails of his threat of copyright claim.

Step 3) This pisses off all the individual artists e621 ripped off over the years and not only do they file their own DMCAs against the site all at once in a group mob manner as opposed to just individually bitching which is the route they tried and failed to produce results(actually against the site's hosting service directly skipping the middle man). Not only this but they pull out the cartoon child porn of child persons (not 'cubs') fan smut of Digimon human characters were one example presented.

The morale? If you're gonna start a claims war, make sure you have more ammo then your opponent.


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