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"It's a snide reaction to the snide presumption that liking furry comics is somehow less important than things that the so-called "more committed" furries do. How the holy hell is liking furry comics a "fringe" activity exactly? It's been at the core of the fandom since Day One!"

So it has been. But Treesong's post was saying a) that he was personally more interested in the comics than most any other furry activity, and b) that the common perception now is that most of today's furries are interested in things other than the comics. I know that I've run into that attitude myself with a number of furs off and again, that the comics (and, for that matter, the literature -- IE, prose) is way low on their priority list, of far less interest than partying (at cons), badges and paraphenalia, fursuits and mingling. In fact, it often seems that socializing has largely replaced any other aspect of interest as a raison d'être for furry fandom. Therefore Treesong's perception that his interests, which were once the staple of the fandom, appear to now be a fringe interest. And he did not offer that observation in any snide way whatsoever -- certainly in no manner that ever deserved the sort of snidery he got in response.

"What's truly bizarre is seeing Chuck Melville agree that comics just aren't that important to the fandom."

And where in God's name did I ever do or say that!?


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