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New Kangaroo Fanzine Announced

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Jarlidium Press is announcing plans and actively soliciting submissions for a new fanzine title, ROOTOPIA, a publication dedicated to fans and enthusiasts of kangaroos and other marsupials. Text stories, illustrations, comics, kangaroos in the news, and photos of the real animals will be included in this 64 page digest sized fanzine. Reproduction will be done in 256 greyscale black and white interiors with cardstock covers. Jarlidium Press has a lot of experience in producing high quality publications including Hot To Trot, Dallas Brawl Update, Dela The Hooda collections, Three Apples, and North American Fur. br>

Name: Rootopia

Publisher: Jarlidium Press

Format: 64 page digest

Frequency: Twice a year

Content: Illustrated text stories, news, illustrations and more focused around marsupials

Editor: Dan Canaan / Flinthoof

Email: [email protected]


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