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call me harsh, but until animals have rights protecting them that meet or exceed what humans are given in the form of laws, I don't really care about what goes on with humans related to them.

A husky in canada "killed" a kid recently, and they already want (or have) the dogs head on a euthaniza platter.

How does a system where you could kill the kid, plead insanity and live out the rest of your life in a country club prison make sense while a animal who as such breaks wind near a kid/person gets a immediate left paw treatment (common injection point on dogs for euthaniza)? (research the story about the guy in canada who beheaded someone on a greyhound bus, he's pretty much off scot free)

I still think of the time I saw a german shepherd puppy laying dead in the gutter along steeles avenue near the outskirts of toronto. was scooped up and thrown away like a tim hortons cup next to him.

If a baby had been near the puppy, the wailing would echo to the south/north poles and back, man hunts as far as saturn would be taking place, but the puppy isn't getting any justice at all.

This is when you have issues as a society. Many species vanish forever day after day (heaven knows what is lost in the gulf oil spoil) but more importance is placed on some human....

The day the world loses all it's species is the day I no longer want to be on this planet. I can barely tolerate people as it is, animals make life magical and more worth living....


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