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Sadly, this type of crap is all-too-common in the infected boil on the ass of Ontario that is known as the City of Windsor. Most people here are uneducated (read: less than grade 10 education), and they tend to think things like "hey, we just finished our 12-hour shift at the Chrysler Minivan plant... wanna go beat up some gays or animals?"

bullies here tend to run in packs, and thugs are rarely caught or punished... even the police aren't exactly reliable, either...either overburdened from the high crime rate, or constantly catching their own officers committing crimes. Yes, mob mentality is returning to Windsor. there have already been protests in front of the provincial court house (where the police told the people they can protest at the riverfront again, because they were blocking the street)... and there are plans to take the march to Queens' Park in Toronto to pressure the provincial government to have stiffer animal cruelty laws.

Though, some people in Windsor are outraged that people are pissed about animals being hurt or killed, but not about all the child abuse and child murder that goes on in Windsor... as if we care more about animals than people (which is not true, we're sickened by both, but no one seems to listen to the protesters on either cause).

Local Members of Parliament Brian Masse (NDP, Windsor-West) and Joe Comartin (NDP, Windsor-St. Clair) are proposing a bill for far stiffer penalties on the federal level for animal abuse, as well as declaring all animals as "sentient beings", but are doubtful it will pass.

~ The Legendary RingtailedFox


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