Thanks for the info! I'm a little surprised that you managed to get even five cons together the first year. :-)
FC's timing and organization makes it fun - you can't invite to the future chair, since you don't know who they are, yet the current chair may be too busy and won't be chair after the con. It's a long way from there to Illinois, too.
I know it's not quite the same, but perhaps videoconferencing might help those who'd like to attend but can't afford to (time- or money-wise). We've put it to good use in past WikiFur Meetups - you could even get Eurofurence, ConFuzzled, Rusfurrence and RBW involved!
Thanks for the info! I'm a little surprised that you managed to get even five cons together the first year. :-)
FC's timing and organization makes it fun - you can't invite to the future chair, since you don't know who they are, yet the current chair may be too busy and won't be chair after the con. It's a long way from there to Illinois, too.
I know it's not quite the same, but perhaps videoconferencing might help those who'd like to attend but can't afford to (time- or money-wise). We've put it to good use in past WikiFur Meetups - you could even get Eurofurence, ConFuzzled, Rusfurrence and RBW involved!