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The Midwest Furry Con Cabal, anyway.

Anthrocon and Rainfurrest take place in the Midwest? :-)

Mwalimu: Invitations were sent to all furry conventions in the US and Canada with attendances greater than 100 people in January of this year. Five months is relatively short notice, though. For next year invitations will be going out much earlier. Morphicon was originally considering attending, but I believe they had some scheduling conflicts. I am not certain about responses from other conventions, but I know many cited time conflicts, and a few did not respond at all.

Because this was a first-year effort, it was expected that attendance would not be huge. It's understandable to have second thoughts about investing the time and money in flying across the country for a new and unknown gathering of unknown value. Nevertheless, all who attended this year agreed that it was time well spent and found value in sharing information, networking, and socializing. We hope that we can grow the event next year with the attendance of representatives from more conventions; each additional organization brings new insights and new approaches to the table, increasing the value of the event.


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