At least now it'll be easier to track down the people involved in this kind of stuff. I mean, allowing it to be legal is probably going to make dog fighters overconfident and sell their videos more openly. Fighting dogs is still illegal. If they want to video tape themselves doing illegal activities, it's their jail sentence.
Though it might also be the wording of the law itself. I mean, what is cruel and to what animals? Is every nature documentary video taper a criminal because they just video tape as a gazelle gets taken down by a lion? What about video of dog fights that are used in such a way to demote the act itself?
In this case I think the animal abuse people should let this one go. If a video of disgusting events are seen by the public, it'll probably be more positive to their causes then anything.
At least now it'll be easier to track down the people involved in this kind of stuff. I mean, allowing it to be legal is probably going to make dog fighters overconfident and sell their videos more openly. Fighting dogs is still illegal. If they want to video tape themselves doing illegal activities, it's their jail sentence.
Though it might also be the wording of the law itself. I mean, what is cruel and to what animals? Is every nature documentary video taper a criminal because they just video tape as a gazelle gets taken down by a lion? What about video of dog fights that are used in such a way to demote the act itself?
In this case I think the animal abuse people should let this one go. If a video of disgusting events are seen by the public, it'll probably be more positive to their causes then anything.