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I thank him for coming forward with this, couldn't have been easy to be honest as to one's personal feeling.

Just ironic, since this is the first year that the Ursa rewards have banned nominations of works that are pornographic in nature.

Guess as a way of avoiding being tied with furry porn, he doesn't want to be a part of something... that wants nothing to do with furry porn?

Well I hope Up doesn't win then.... winner are furfags apparently and will be shunned and never be successful. They might end up like Dreamworks! Remember what happened to them after they won in 2001 for Shrek? I really wouldn't want the same thing to happen to Pixar that happened to Dreamworks.

And Eric Garcia! He won best book in 2001. We all know he went under the radar after he one, painted as a furry and shunned from the art world forever... think what could have happened if he turned down that award? He could have had movies adapted from his books or something, but now we'll never know.

And after its victory in 2001, Usagi Yojimbo stopped publishing comics, and DarkHorse productions went out of business.

The evidence the negative publicity being recognized by the fandom gives you is damning. Everything furry touches dies. I certainly wouldn't want such a career ruining experience on my belt.

Sarcasm aside feelings are always fleeting, mostly misleading. I'm more of an evidence person.

Though, I disagree with him, I certainly hope him the best in his future endeavors.


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