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That honestly was going to be my next guess. I didn't really communicate my feelings towards Furry when we met at FWA, because I didn't really think it was an appropriate venue, but I get this "squicked" feeling off and on regarding what we do to our creative talent by means of who and what we accept.

You probably notice that short of my staff shirt, I didn't really dress "furry." Well, I had a badge at one point too :) It's just because for me, as an author, I don't really see Furry as a "lifestyle" but more as a "fandom." It appears that Mr. Hopkins is confusing the lifestyler's actions with the potential market of fandom.

Nobody forces people to draw fetish. Nobody forces me to write some of the very questionable things that are written out there. If you do it in search of the money, then that's a choice made.

As for unwillingness to change.. there are no greater forces in nature than a group moving its market.


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