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One of 2's journals once said that a friend told him that humor was based upon "injustice". When you can't change something, or seems like you're powerless to do something about it you make jokes about it. The more people dislike the event/person the more that joke will propegate.

It's why alot of comedians that were around in the Bush days aren't as central on the floor anymore. Bush was an easy target, now that he's gone, they have to make new jokes since the President isn't feeding them material everyday.

So as the furry fandom gets better there will certainly be less material for places like this to use, and maybe the original owner was kinda finding it harder to find new things to mock, or he no longer felt he needed to because it didn't effect him all that much anymore (as he might have shed off his furriness).

This will probably also happen with Vivisector as well, eventually, but I'm sure something else will take its place.


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