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I don't know. The "underside" of furry fandom is on display on FurAffinity and Yiff--uh, SoFurry pretty openly (some might say brazenly). My problem with sites like Vivisector and CYD isn't that I have a hear-no-evil "can't we all just hold hands and sing happy songs" view of the fandom (which I think a few vocal fans sometimes topple into). It's that furry fandom has an abundance of mockery from within and without already. It's not as if there's a dire need for another place providing more of it.

What we need are critiques from people who would like to see the fandom get better at certain things it's not so good at. (My list would include educating new fans about the history of furry fandom, doing better at breaking out of the "my artistic influences are furry artists who were popular five years ago!" insularity, promoting writing in general, and--yes--public relations, although I think on the whole the fandom is better at the latter than it collectively gives itself credit for.) Vivisector and friends, even when their writing is amusing (and sometimes it surely is), very rarely gets past "here is something worth mocking--let us all point and laugh heartily." They're superlative at providing cheap humor at the expense of others. But over the long run I don't think that's particularly interesting, and it's certainly not constructive.

— Chipotle


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