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You'd be surprised how little things actually fundamentally change in the human condition. I'm sure you could find yellow journalism back to the point of where Jesus was sold out by Judas (staying in season here). Just yelling "news is all about facts" I'm saying is an ideal, it's not a fact, because yellow journalism exists and will probably continue to exist. It is something people should be aware of anywhere.

Because when you start saying "News is all about facts" people on the other end start to believe it's all about facts, the people watching the slanted reports will believe what they are viewing is "fact" and not just "news", because you just made the claim, news is all fact not opinion. Therefore news that is opinion is also fact now, because it's called news.

I think the ideal "news is fact" is a fine one to have, for the journalist, as an assumption in the mind of the audience, it's dangerous. The reason most dislike fox news is not because they give their opinion on things, it's because they call themselves "news" and people for some reason have made that word equivalent to the word fact. And thus, people take their opinion as fact. Which by claiming news is fact, then news that is opinion will be seen as its fact.

The only really way to have an informed public is to do one of two things. Make all news fact, or make sure people realize that all news is not fact.


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