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So the fandom IS centralized about sex, thank you for clearing that up...

If the artists can't draw porn, by golly, they aren't creative enough to draw anything else.

And no, ALL furry related material will not be illegalized even if your slippery slope theory came to pass, just the porn. I mean, if you're going to use a logical fallacy, do it right, you can't go. "We'll lose this porn, then we'll lose that porn, and then we'll lose things not related to porn." If you said lose all furry porn and not all furry related material you might have looked less panic stricken...

Unless of course to you "all furry related material" is equivalent to "furry porn" which is a different case entirely.

Ironically the same fallacy you use is the very one you fight. Like so: "First they'll fap to loli/shota, then they'll fap to pics and vids of RL children, then they'll fap on all your kids. How can we compromise if it hurts the kids?"


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