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Flayrah's tradition of shoddy journalism continues

Awwww, pooooor baby, a little bit butt hurt because the largest convention you're on the Board of Directors for got exposed as a bunch of insular and controlling ninnies who ban people for exercising their civil rights completely outside of your convention?

Anthrocon's tradition of stubborn paternalism (thinking that they must protect and save the fandom), hypocrisy (con chairman behaving badly at other cons), and jack booted thuggery (who else are you going to ban for exercising a fundamental civil right?) continues.

I'd be using a lot more in the way of profane invective towards you and rest of the Anthrocon board, but I'd likely get banned from the site for it. When your convention stops acting like a bunch of bullying thugs intimidating and threatening furries against exercising their civil liberties throughout the Commonwealth and northeastern Ohio, let me know OK?


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