not having as yet participated in any signifigant furry fanac - i've yet to meet anybody face to face - my only contact so far has been online - i can't claim to be anysort of authority - beyond having read what i've read - which personal experience in other contexts tells me is never the whole story - but likewise on the basis of similar observation i would have to say that what "works" has a lot to do with how you define "working". i have no idea if, how, or how much 'the' fandom NEEDS to be 'chainged' - if at all. i think the 'burned furs' are pretty damd silly and self serving but then again i may simply lack a clear perspective on their argument. sure i've seen things that don't turn me on - but so what - diversity being the nature of reality that IS to be expected. it was after all fanatacism that put the evil in midevil and there's no good reason i can see to repeat that kind of error in something we all or mostly all do simply for fun. if somebody wants to 'do the 'nasty' with their plushie on their website' or any other silliness - that's a matter of their own personal taste (or lack of it if you insist) - certainly not mine - but no-one is twisting my arm to obsses on anything i find distasteful - and if anyone else's is ... well i think there's a much bigger problem of too little diversity of what the rest of the world is having beamed at them out there then too little. unity is a powerful force for good. conflict is a powerful force for harm. i think aureth (and others like ch'marr) has the right idea. even if it isn't 'effective' in moving everyone in any one particular direction - or perhaps i should say precisely because it doesn't ... ~;)
stay well and keep doing the wonderful things that you do ... ~;)
not having as yet participated in any signifigant furry fanac - i've yet to meet anybody face to face - my only contact so far has been online - i can't claim to be anysort of authority - beyond having read what i've read - which personal experience in other contexts tells me is never the whole story - but likewise on the basis of similar observation i would have to say that what "works" has a lot to do with how you define "working". i have no idea if, how, or how much 'the' fandom NEEDS to be 'chainged' - if at all. i think the 'burned furs' are pretty damd silly and self serving but then again i may simply lack a clear perspective on their argument. sure i've seen things that don't turn me on - but so what - diversity being the nature of reality that IS to be expected. it was after all fanatacism that put the evil in midevil and there's no good reason i can see to repeat that kind of error in something we all or mostly all do simply for fun. if somebody wants to 'do the 'nasty' with their plushie on their website' or any other silliness - that's a matter of their own personal taste (or lack of it if you insist) - certainly not mine - but no-one is twisting my arm to obsses on anything i find distasteful - and if anyone else's is ... well i think there's a much bigger problem of too little diversity of what the rest of the world is having beamed at them out there then too little. unity is a powerful force for good. conflict is a powerful force for harm. i think aureth (and others like ch'marr) has the right idea. even if it isn't 'effective' in moving everyone in any one particular direction - or perhaps i should say precisely because it doesn't ... ~;)
stay well and keep doing the wonderful things that you do ... ~;)