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UK furry musical has September reading

Edited as of Sun 27 Dec 2009 - 11:17
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After the July reading of the musical Furry Tales in Pittsburgh, UK-based composer Tim Saward is staging a reading of his own musical based on the furry fandom, entitled Yiff!, which has been in development since before October 2006. [1]

The reading will be "a concert reading of 40 minutes worth of excerpts from the show",[2] and will be performed on September 27 and 29 at Goldsmiths College, New Cross, London.

As well as sixteen songs and professional musical theatre performers, the show will feature a series of animations by Australia-based furry fan Kyle Evans.


  1. first entry in Yiff! The Musical livejournal - Yiff the Musical's LiveJournal (October 13, 2006)
  2. Yiff! The Musical front page - Tim Saward, Yiff! website (September 13, 2007)


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