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ConFuzzled sells out, as Eurofurence 14 opens its doors

Edited as of Sun 27 Dec 2009 - 06:18
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Eurofurence e.V.

ConFuzzled organizers were celebrating last night, as the newly-minted UK convention sold its last ten spaces.[1] The event is scheduled for June 20-23 at the Manchester International Youth Hostel, which holds 144 attendees, including 16 staff and 47 sponsors.[2] Most were charged £170 [US$340] (£210 for sponsors),[3] £135 of which covered YHA costs,[4] though the price was £10 lower for the first eight weeks.

Demand was even higher for rooms at late August's Eurofurence 14, which opened registration this Sunday.[5] Badge numbers over 600 were issued in the first 3 hours of registration, and a total of 760 had registered to pay by Wednesday morning.[6]

Space for those over the Ringberg Hotel's nominal capacity of 580[7] is not guaranteed, but Eurofurence chairman Cheetah hopes actual attendance to reach 700-750 this year with the aid of overflow hotels and conversion of some double rooms to triples.[8] All attendees will pay a 60€ [US$90] registration fee; an optional bed in a double room is 100€, while singles cost 220€ to encourage sharing.[9]

The rush for Eurofurence was foreshadowed by an accidental live opening on New Year's Day which resulted in over a hundred invalid registrations.[10] The situation mirrors that of Mephit Mini Con 11, which reportedly sold out in 2 hours.[10]


  1. Guess what people! - CaliHusky,   confuzzledlj (January 8, 2008)
  2. ConFuzzled 2008 - Attendee List (accessed January 9, 2008)
  3. ConFuzzled 2008 - Convention Pricing (accessed January 9, 2008)
  4. Less than 24 Hours!... -   confuzzledlj (April 20, 2007)
  5. Eurofurence Registration - Loewi,   eurofurence (January 6, 2008)
  6. Registration Stats - Eurofurence forums (January 9, 2007)
  7. Eurofurence 14 - Hotel
  8. What is maximum attendance this year? - Eurofurence forums (January 8, 2008)
  9. Eurofurence 14 - Registration
  10. 10.0 10.1 To all those who have registered to Eurofurence 14 today... - BigBlueFox,   eurofurence (January 1, 2008)


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