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The problem with the wording of this poll is the same problem with the topic in the fandom proper: "Adult" has a rather broad base of definitions.

Some people use "Adult" like I do: as a term or word to refer to a broad range of material that includes sexually explicit material as well as "mature" themes... a great example of "mature art" would be that produced by Ashryn or Arphalia. While they do produce some pieces that fall under the spooge part of adult, they also produce rather intense and graphic art that involves blood, dismembermint, guns, knives, etcetera. It doesn't have to be all spooge, dripping members and kinky positions to qualify as something that's not really for folks under age 17.

While I use "adult" to describe a broad range of materials, others use the word "adult" strictly to describe pornographic material. I think therein lies the problem: a clash of ideas on what constitutes "adult" and what doesn't.

Maybe the fandom should consider adopting the broadcast standards and practices system, identifying art as "PG-13," "NC-17" or "M" and then further explaining WHY. I can picture the VCL after that overhaul.... "This piece has been rated NC-17 for hypertrophic squirrels and intense sexual situations. Viewer discretion is advised.

"We use them for divine retribution."


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