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Not at all.

Frankly -- and I may be the only one around here that feels this way -- I don't usually get much interested in the fur suits / mascot costumes that proliferate at the furry cons. I'm generally more interested in the outfits that try to look more like a 'real' simulation of the cartoon or anthropomorph character they're designed after. To that end, usually a leotard and some cleverly applied make-up are more convincing than a couple of hundred pounds of fur and a big head. (The outfits worn in CATS, or some of the dancers in the LION KING parade at Disneyland, as examples.) Of course, I've seen exceptions on both ends of that equation: I've seen some beautifully constructed werewolf outfits, and some people simply shouldn't wear leotards.

Generally speaking, I find less is more.


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