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environmental irresponsibility won't save anything. the only way the u.s. will ever not be dependent on 'forign' oil is when it stops being dependent on oil entirely. there's a large and growing infrastructure of suppliers of nuts and bolts of alternative to it. the oil and automotive industries don't need to be subsidised at the expense of everyone and out of taxpayers pockets at that - which is what every mile of pavement does. and the same goes for fossel fueled power generation. nukes arn't inheirently evil but that's not the answer either. there are zillions of small to medium dams up in the mountains that arn't generating power that could be - many of them once were. it isn't the alternatives that are lacking but rather vested intrests that seem to be promoting a kind of collective death wish of our species and for our planet. i don't mean the extinction of one more pretty butterfly, ugly fish or fur bearing carnivoour is going to be the end of live as we know it - but - has everyone forgotten where every molicule of o2 in our earth's atmosphere comes from? and stability of those cycles of renewal does rest on diversity - or so i've been led to believe - even in geology. throwing environmental responsibility out with the bath water will only increase incidents of asthema and disentary and we'll still have just as much of an energy shortage/crysis - that's where this pandering to the most powerful vested lobby in the us at this time is headed. so no - drilling in alaskan preserves is not only wastefull and irrisponsable - it is also totaly unnessesary - and well not and cannot accomplish its stated goals - which responsable alternatives and sensable priorities (alone) can.

stay well and keep doing the wonderful things that you do ... ~;)


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