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Much to my shame, yes, we watched Survivor, including the episode in question.

If the editing of the show is to be believed, Michael Skupin (the guy who left the show with seriously burned hands later in the series) cornered a wild pig and tackled and killed it with a knife. If I recall correctly, there was also some question about whether the producer, Mark Burnett, released the wild pig near the contestants' camp, particularly at a time when they were running out of food and subsisting on rice and water.

At least on the basis of what was shown (and editing can make black seem white and up seem down), it doesn't look like there was cruelty - it was depicted as a quick kill. Of course, if it took him five minutes to repeatedly stab the pig, or maimed it and chased it around for an hour, well that wouldn't make very good television, would it? The RSPCA might have a case but without seeing the unedited tape it's impossible to say one way or the other.



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