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2007 Ursa Major Award results

Edited by earthfurst as of Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 19:53
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The 2007 Ursa Major Awards have been presented at Morphicon 2008.

May 18, 2008

The winners of the seventh annual Ursa Major Awards (formally the Anthropomorphic Literature & Arts of the Year Awards), for the Best in anthropomorphic/"funny animal" literature and art first published during the calendar year 2007, were announced at a presentation ceremony on Saturday, May 17 at Morphicon 2008, held at the Columbus-Worthington Holiday Inn in Columbus, Ohio on May 16 – 18, 2008.

The Ursa Major Awards are Anthropomorphic (a.k.a. Furry) Fandom's equivalents of s-f fandom's Hugo Awards, mystery fandom's Anthony Awards, horror fandom's Bram Stoker Awards, and so forth. The Ursa Majors are administered and presented by The Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association, a membership organization dedicated to promoting anthropomorphic fandom-related events.

Nominations and voting on the awards are open to the public. The physical award consists of an illustrated trophy certificate, designed by Heather Bruton.

Eligibility in ten categories is for works featuring intelligent &/or talking animals first published during the calendar year 2007. This can include new compilations of older works, such as a new collection of previously-published separate works. The winners are chosen by popular vote from five finalists in each category.

By popular request, the Best Anthropomorphic Fanzine category has been renamed the Best Anthropomorphic Magazine category.

Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture: "Ratatouille" (Pixar/Disney, released June 29, 2007)

Best Anthropomorphic Dramatic Short Work or Series: "Gridlock" (Doctor Who, Series 3, Episode 3; produced by BBC1, first broadcast April 14, 2007)

Best Anthropomorphic Novel: “Life’s Dream", by Bernard Doove (CreateSpace, December 2007)

Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction: "Don’t Blink", by Kyell Gold (in "Heat" #4, Sofawolf Press, July 2007)

Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work: “All the Newshounds Fit to Print", by Thomas K. Dye (, January 2007)

Best Anthropomorphic Comic Book: “Gargoyles”, by Greg Weisman, Gordon Purcell, Dustin Evans, and Greg Guler (Slave Labor Graphics, #4 to #6)

Best Anthropomorphic Comic Strip: "Ozy and Millie", by D. C. Simpson (Internet, Monday to Friday, January 1 to December 31)

Best Anthropomorphic Magazine: "Heat" (Published by Sofawolf Press, one 2007 issue, July)

Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration: “Blotch” (Kenket and Black Teagan); cover painting for the Fur Affinity: United 2007 convention souvenir book, August 10-12, 2007.

Best Anthropomorphic Game: "Sam & Max, Season 2, Episode 1: Ice Station Santa" (Designer: Telltale Games; Publisher: Game Tap; released November 8, 2007)

201 ballots were received: 145 were from the U.S.; a dozen or more each from Australia and the U.K.; a half dozen or more each from Canada and Germany; and one or two each from countries as diverse as Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Laos, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, Spain, and Sweden.

For further information, contact The Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association (ALAA), at


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