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Camp Feral! 2008 Registration is Open!

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Yay :) Head to /register to sign up for Camp Feral! 2008 :)

Camp Feral! is a furry summer camp run in the Canadian wilderness of Algonquin Provincial Park at rustic Camp Arowhon! 2008 will be it's 11th year offering workshops, activities and avents for an all inclusive registration. The ultimate furry summer escape, it offers water activities on Tee Pee Lake, traditional summer camp activities such as archery and wall climbling, as well as furry-centric workshops and events!

Essentially...furries take over a summer camp for a week...and the counsellors love every minute of it!

This year we already have two great artists on line as special guests: Ferris and J. Willard aka. soappuppy :) We're already hard at work getting workshops, events and activities all organized for you, and expect some great classics for veterans (including the return of beads!), and some new ideas for this year's dances, and to coincide with our 'Under the Stars' theme some fun campfire and nighttime events!

Our Guest of Honour will be announced shortly (once everything is set in stone), and also keep an eye on the site as the new Camper Forum will be up very shortly, and the new camper-run Scrapbook where you can upload pictures, art, and con reports directly to the site for everyone to see!

Any questions? Fire 'em to me at roogoyle at gmail dot com :)

WOOT WOOT! :) Hope to hear from everyone soon! :) It's gonna be an awesome year.


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