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2007 Recommended Anthropomorphics List is closing

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November has started. It's time to begin publicizing that there are less than two months left to make recommendations to the 2007 Recommended Anthropomorphics List of books, movies, comics, music videos, published illustrations, and other stuff that furry fans ought to know about, in time to check them out.Dear;

November has started. It's time to begin publicizing that there are less than two months left to make recommendations to the 2007 Recommended Anthropomorphics List of books, movies, comics, music videos, published illustrations, and other stuff that furry fans ought to know about, in time to check them out.

On 24 January 2008, the first day of Further Confusion 2008, the 2007 Ursa Major Award nominations open for the best of 2007 in the usual ten categories. Everyone in furry fandom, not just FC attendees, is encouraged to send in up to five nominees in each category that have been first published between January 1 and December 31, 2007. The 2007 Recommended List is a helpful guide for those who cannot think of what is eligible, but anything first published during 2007 may be nominated. See our Ursa Major Awards website for further information:


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